Dust And Noise Alert: How Often Should I Clean My Computer?

Summary: This article shares valuable tips for physically cleaning your computer and tech devices. Learn the importance of cleaning as part of regular IT maintenance. If you are still having computer performance issues after performing basic cleaning maintenance, contact your computer repair specialists.

Computers are an essential part of day-to-day activities and contribute to our quality of life. We want fast and reliable computers that perform when needed. However, computers need care. To function at peak performance, they must receive routine IT maintenance inside and out. Ironically, many people use their computers more than they drive their cars. Yet, they clean their vehicles regularly but ignore their computers and devices. How often you clean your computer may also depend on the environment that you use it in. Devices used in dusty or greasy locations will require more frequent cleaning.

Unfortunately, dust is everywhere, and a gradual buildup of dust can cause damage to various parts of your computer through overheating and obstructing smooth mechanical functions. Computer have built-in fans and vents to keep internal components cool. When they get coated with dust or other debris, the fan cannot function properly. Dirt, grit and dust are the enemies of tech devices if they are not addressed through regular cleaning. This article discusses physically cleaning computer hardware and its components. Here are a few essential tips:

Cleaning MacBooks

Although many of the same cleaning techniques used for PCs are also applicable to cleaning MacBooks, extra care must be taken. Apple suggests never using any chemical solutions to clean a MacBook. A can of compressed air and a soft, clean microfiber cloth are essential to the process. Here’s what to do:

Eventually, a dirty computer will start to give the user warning signs of potential problems to come. One of the most common signs that your computer needs cleaning is noise coming from the cooling fan. When the fan is left dusty, the buildup reduces its cooling efficiency and propels dirt deeper into the machine. As a result, the fan does not cool efficiently, and circuits and components begin to overheat, causing the computer to slow down, malfunction, freeze or shut down. If these signs are neglected, more problems will ensue that could eventually ruin your computer beyond repair.

Computers are costly and must be cared for if they are expected to function at peak performance. All computer devices require IT maintenance on a regular schedule. As we depend on them for many different functions, cleaning and maintaining them must be an ongoing priority. If you are still uncertain about how to clean your computer devices or are uncomfortable with the cleaning process, it is worth hiring a professional home technology consultant to help you establish computer cleaning protocols or set a yearly appointment to clean, update and check all your tech devices.