Google Maps Security – How to Blur Your House in Google Maps

Summary: This article explores the cyber security reasons to blur your home on Google and Apple Maps, and how to do it. For additional information on computer security for home or office, contact your home technology consultant.

Google is a powerhouse of a search engine used worldwide. It makes vast amounts of data, in innumerable categories, available to users everywhere. In addition to merely answering questions, Google has many helpful features, including Google Maps. The maps tab on Google allows users to find locations, zoom in and out and plan routes. Also, Google Street View gives a 360-degree view of a specific house or office building. Pretty amazing, huh?

But innovations are rarely perfect. Google Street View in maps and Google Maps security has been a target of cyber security criticism for decades. Initially, people saw Street View as an invasion of privacy as their or their children’s faces were visible in the images. Also, license plates were visible, affording bad actors additional personal identifying data. The public outcry was significant enough for Google to take action. Since around 2008, all faces and license plates have been intentionally blurred by Google to offer more privacy.

Why Blur Locations On Google Maps?

In the past few years, Google has enhanced the privacy of its map application by allowing users to blur their homes. Blurred locations, homes, faces and license plates on Google maps can help users minimize the chance of divulging personally identifying elements. Unfortunately, hackers can piece together a target’s profile by collecting small bits of personal data from a variety of public sources. When compiled, this information can create a detailed picture of who the target is, where they live and their socio-economic position. The more detailed the profile, the more likely cybercriminals will be able to breach a user’s data or steal their identity.

Google Maps (or Apple maps) is an awesome tool for exploring new or nostalgic places worldwide. However, cybercriminals use Google to stalk their targets. Some try using it to find out what kind of car their targets own or where deliveries are left at users’ homes. Others might use it to plan elaborate robberies and social engineering scams. The more details they can glean, the more vulnerable their targets are. Also, by assembling a profile of the victim’s lifestyle, they can assess whether that individual is worth targeting. Without too much effort, cyber thieves can discover the make and model of your car as well as the layout of your property. With just a few clicks, hackers can zoom in on your home and find identifying features to help them guess where bedrooms are located, the number of entrances, ease of escape, etc. Also, real estate postings of your home can offer pictures of every room and floor plans.

How To Blur Your House In Google Maps

Requesting to have your house blurred on Google Maps is a relatively simple process:

Once you submit the request, you should receive a confirmation email at the address you provided informing you that your request is under review. Be forewarned that if you are unclear about what you want blurred, Google will reject the request and ask you to resubmit it from scratch.

How To Blur a House On Apple Maps

Google is not the only service to display locations and home images. Here’s how to blur your house on Apple Maps:

Another method to request blurring your house on Apple Maps is to click “Report an Issue” and indicate that the location is incorrect, the entrance noted on the map is wrong or the address is wrong. However, this approach is more cumbersome and should be a last resort.

In the past, cyber security services devoted most of their focus to antivirus software and malware protection. However, cyber security has become much more complex, with many new areas of concern. Remote work, wireless technology and the ever-expanding Internet of Things (IoT) have created a vast universe loaded with cyber security concerns and previously unaddressed areas of vulnerability for home and office users. Relentless vigilance is required to be aware of cyber threats and mitigate or eliminate them as they arise, including Google Maps security. However, if you believe you areunsure of blurring map images or understanding the steps required, we suggest using a professional home technology consultant. Your privacy and security are too important to leave to chance.