IoT for Business Means Prioritizing Smart Device Security

Many of us marvel at the ingenuity and convenience of smart devices. The possibilities for automating tasks continue to grow exponentially. As a result, the market for smart devices of all kinds, including security systems, home appliances, thermostats, cars and many other amazing examples of technological achievement, continues to grow. Also, many of the devices are connected to the internet. Those connected smart devices are now part of what is commonly called the Internet of Things (IoT). The term is used to describe the vast array of new endpoints or “things” being added to networks every day – and that includes IoT for business. Any smart device connected to the internet is part of the world of IoT. There are billions of such connected devices worldwide, which has vastly increased the opportunity for cyberattacks through these devices.

IoT for Business

Cybercriminals continuously look for new ways to breach private, protected data and IoT has created countless new endpoints, all vulnerable to hacks. Therefore, IoT network security has never been more critical.

SMBs now use all kinds of connected devices, sensors and software to operate their businesses. They use them for many things, including inventory management, quality control, security, lighting, payroll and customer service data. Smart devices often help companies operate more efficiently. But these IoT innovations come at a price. Mobile device management is no longer confined to cell phones and tablets. Small to midsized businesses must address vulnerabilities in smart device security:

Smart Device Security

Secure connection of smart devices is no simple matter. Even tech-savvy users rarely have the expertise required to analyze IoT network security and know the best methods for addressing vulnerabilities. Hackers count on SMBs not taking smart device security as seriously as they should. SMBs need IT experts to work with them to analyze their cyber vulnerabilities and place appropriate protections in place.

IoT Security Solutions

IT maintenance has become a 24/7 operation for most small to midsized businesses. Computers and all networked devices, including IoT devices, must be regularly monitored and maintained. Up-to-date system and software updates, established security protocols and defenses must also be in place.

With the expanded use of remote and work-from-home employees and many new smart devices, having a team of IT experts to support your systems with IoT security solutions is essential for the smooth operation of your business. An IT support team can train your staff, update your software, inspect and monitor your hardware and provide iron-clad cyber security for all your devices and networks.

Sometimes, security procedures become burdensome and can slow down productivity, causing employees to seek work-arounds to get their job done. Professional business cyber security experts can balance security with productivity to help avoid this situation.

Engage a cyber security professional specializing in managed IT services for small to midsized businesses, including several IoT security solutions. As your business expands its network and adds more devices such as smart controls, smart devices, wireless access and remote access, your network's cybercrime vulnerability and need for cyber security will grow, too. In addition to maintaining the hardware, software and security, employee training and regular IT support must be ongoing. New users and new devices will require additional training to use those devices efficiently. Hardware and software installation and maintenance, repair, cyber security and network protection are all connected and function best when consistent and proactive.