Increase Gmail Storage: Learn How to Delete Old Emails in Gmail

Summary: There are simple steps users can take to keep their Gmail accounts free of clutter and help avoid additional storage fees. Reducing the number of emails can free up storage space in your Gmail account. Learn how to delete old emails in Gmail to increase storage capacity.

Many people open their emails for the first time every day to an ocean of unwanted mail, from relentless advertisements to probable cyber security scams. Mixed in with all the junk are important emails from known senders. Users tend to keep old emails, creating an almost insurmountable cleanup job. However, many email providers offer valuable tools and strategies for sifting through the junk and pairing it down to focus more on legitimate email exchanges. For example, Gmail offers several helpful remedies for cluttered Gmail storage:

Small and Midsized Business (SMB) IT Professionals Can Manage and Protect Company Email Accounts

Whether you work from home or in-office, you should be aware of all the new cyber threats to emails, data, computers, network and devices. SMB IT experts can assess all your unique needs for your computer systems and networks, recommend solutions and keep your business email running smoothly. A modest investment in professional IT assistance is a smart way to protect your private and business data and reduce data breach risks and liability.

Business networks are no longer do-it-yourself projects. Regulators have placed the burden of data protection on those who collect and store it. Companies face fines for every record breached in a cyberattack. Getting the settings and network security correct can help you avoid the devastation and ongoing, significant costs of an attack. In addition to helping you increase email storage, your IT technician can help you utilize all the features on your email exchange, including security settings.

Most SMB cyberattacks (over 90%) start with an employee clicking on an email that has a malicious link containing viruses, malware and ransomware. Firming up security on business email and training employees in security awareness helps them recognize and avoid phishing emails will go far to protect your business.