Is Online Banking Safe? If You Do It Right

Summary: There are many cyber security risks related to online and mobile banking. Learn about the risks and the current attack methods in use by bank fraud cyber criminals. There are ways to reduce the risks and protect your online banking transactions.

Mobile banking has been around for decades and is used more than ever. Over 44 percent of banking is done through mobile apps. However, along with the rise in online banking, cyberthieves continue to develop new ways to attack online financial activities and steal money.

Are Banking Apps Safe?

While there are no guarantees concerning cyber security, it is widely accepted that mobile banking apps are safe if you follow standard cyber security best practices. Banks spend significant resources locking down their online banking cyber security. However, banking customers should be aware of the types of cyberattacks that are part of the current attack landscape:

Mobile Banking Security

The COVID-19 pandemic launched unprecedented levels of remote-access work. Pandemic lockdowns left employers scrambling to create new remote work models and security experts laboring to keep the post-pandemic workforce safe. Working on home networks presented many unique cyber security challenges. However, working outside your home network, using mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets and laptops, is even less secure. This means that mobile banking security is more complex than security of online banking performed in your home office. Banking while out and about presents new vulnerabilities. However, there are simple steps to make mobile banking more secure:

Mobile banking and mobile banking app security is no joke. Banks work very hard to provide the most secure online banking experience. However, the vigilance of online banking customers monitoring their cyber security is essential to protecting online banking transactions. Finally, conforming to suggested banking security best practices is part of basic cybersecurity. Users must be part of their own cyber defense team and learn to avoid the risky behaviors that lead to financial cybercrimes. Contact you IT technician to schedule the installation of VPNs, password managers or for a network and device security assessment. Online banking is safer if you follow security rules and best practices.