Laptop Care: 10 Simple Steps to Help Your Laptop Last Longer

Summary: Learning the best practices of laptop care will help them run smoothly and last longer. Some daily actions can harm your laptop and shorten its lifespan.

Laptops offer incredible work mobility. However, with portability comes increased risk of damage. A laptop “out in the field” needs extra care and attention. Here are some suggestions for keeping your laptop at peak performance and maximum lifespan:

A little laptop care and daily best practices, as outlined above, can make a difference in a laptop computer's functionality and working life. If you don’t have time for DIY cleanings or think you may need laptop upgrade services, ask your technician for a professional opinion on whether the device is too old for laptop updating. They can recommend appropriate replacement options based on your needs. They can also fully wipe business and personal data from decommissioned old equipment before you donate or discard it.