Troubleshoot Laptop Problems Yourself

Summary: There are several common laptop problems that have simple fixes. Try these techniques to troubleshoot laptop problems on your own before calling for professional help.

Laptops helped make remote work a reality. What laptops sacrificed in power and storage compared to desktops, they more than made up for with mobility. Laptops are also subject to increased risk of damage during transport. No device lasts forever, and just as with desktop PCs, laptops can malfunction for various reasons. If you have an in-house IT technician or managed IT services at work, they can help. But if you work for a small or midsized business (SMB) lacking a service arrangement you may need to handle the problem on your own.

How Can I Fix My Laptop?

There are several fundamental issues and individual methods used to troubleshoot laptop problems. Here are a few of the more common problems:

Laptop Computer Repairs, Maintenance & Buying Advice

Hopefully one of these suggestions solved the problem and your laptop is functioning normally. At the very least, you can let your technician know what you have already tried, saving time on a diagnosis and laptop repair. Many computer repair companies are mobilized and can service your laptop at your office, home or worksite. Your technician can show you how to maintain your laptop, too. If your device cannot be repaired or repair costs would exceed the value, the technician can recommend a suitable replacement based on needs and budget.

IT maintenance is essential to a fast, secure and smoothly running computer system and network. Laptops and all devices connected to your business network must be maintained regularly to ensure continued productivity and network security. Unprotected devices connected to a business network pose a serious liability risk to business data security.

What if I Cannot Fix My Laptop?

With the expanded use of remote and work-from-home employees, having a team of IT experts to support your systems both in and out of the office is imperative for SMBs that do not have an in-house IT employee. An affordable managed IT support company specializing in SMBs can repair devices, train staff, update software, inspect and monitor hardware and provide basic cyber security for all your network-connected devices. Sometimes you simply do not have the time to figure out if you can fix a laptop, so it may benefit you to call a computer repair specialist at the first sign of trouble.