Working In a Coffee Shop: Is It Safe to Use Public WiFi?

Summary: There are serious cyber security threats when using public WiFi. However, there are ways to protect personal and company data on public WiFi. Learn the simple steps to take when working in a remote or public setting.

Remote access work is now the norm. More people than ever before work from their homes or in public places such as coffee shops, hospitals, airports, trains and hotels. As a result, portability has become a key benefit of using cell phones, tablets and laptops. However, when out and about, securing your devices and your connection presents a whole new set of security challenges.

The pandemic was a golden goose for hackers. As SMBs scrambled to establish new work-from-home access, most small and mid-sized businesses did not fully evaluate and upgrade their security protocols to adjust to the new remote workforce.

Using VPNs on Public WiFi

Ideally, one should not use public WiFi at all. But at times, there is no other option. Fortunately, there are several ways of securing your devices for remote work:

Remote Network Access Safety Tips

Public WiFi Hacking Case Study

An accountant commuting from Long Island, NY, just missed her train on her morning commute. The next train was due in 17 minutes, so she walked back into the station waiting area and booted up her laptop to check emails and maybe do some work. A hacker pretending to be waiting for a train set up two rows over. He was poised to intercept and breach her laptop’s connection as soon as she logged onto the station’s public WiFi. Unfortunately, the victim did not bother to activate her company’s VPN because she thought she would be working such a short time that it would not matter. The hacker gained access to her laptop and was downloading data and viewing her online activities for a full 15 minutes as she worked.

Within days, clients of the accountant’s firm were being contacted for extortion payments to keep information from their competitors. Accounting is a high compliance business and the cyberattack placed the employee’s company in jeopardy.

Avoid Using Public WiFi – Try Hotspots

Although many employees efficiently fill waiting time with work or enjoy working in places like coffee shops, it is best never to use public WiFi. In the case of remote work, public means exposure. So, if possible, you should never use public WiFi. Although a slower connection, using a hotspot is a better alternative.

Mobile Device Security for Small Business: Key Takeaways

Protecting mobile devices from cyberattacks is vital to securing your network data and is part of any SMB’s mobile device security plan. It is far less expensive and time-consuming to prevent a data breach than to recover from one. Contact your network support technician for remote access support. They can assess each computer and device (including firewalls and servers) that connects to your network and provide affordable solutions designed to protect small business networks, company employees and their clients.