Computer Network Security Companies: Why SMBs Need Them

Summary: This article describes the services professional computer network security companies can provide to protect your SMB from cyberattacks. Many small businesses mistakenly believe that IT support companies offer the same services as cyber security companies. Learn why SMBs are the favorite targets of cybercriminals and the cyber security solutions for small businesses that are available. Cyber security is too important to be left to chance. Computer network security companies can help protect all of your hard-earned business data, including the sensitive personal data of employees and customers. Comprehensive small business IT support must include network security to reduce risk and liability from a breach.

Network Security Services

Network security services are not automatically part of IT services. Unfortunately, many SMB owners don’t know the crucial importance of locking down their networks and assume one IT expert can do it all. In reality, robust cyber security is an expertise that is not necessarily part of basic IT support. In the face of a cyberattack, the average professional IT support specialist might not have the tools, knowledge or experience to fully protect a business network.

Business and Cybersecurity

More and more companies rely on online operations for most, if not all, of their work. At the same time, cybercrime has continued growing to unprecedented levels and has become one of the biggest business threats. Business and cybersecurity depend on each other. Depending on the size and resources of a company, maintaining robust cyber security might be beyond its capabilities. Smaller companies tend to stay focused on the day-to-day operations of their core business and do not place as much importance on cyber security as they should. Ironically, SMBs are a favorite target of hackers. However, many small businesses don’t have the budget for an IT department and rarely have the in-house knowledge and tools to maintain a resilient cyber security posture. Cybersecurity planning is the primary component of robust security. But without in-house IT expertise, where do you start?

Because creating a comprehensive plan is such a vital part of designing cybersecurity solutions for small businesses, many companies enlist the services of computer network security companies. IT security professionals have the knowledge and tools to perform a cyber risk analysis of your computer network to identify what vulnerabilities exist within your system.

As more cyber threats emerge and cyberattacks are launched daily, SMBs must step up their cyber security game. Ransomware, malware, viruses, DDoS attacks, and other deadly cybercrimes can bring business operations to a grinding halt if they do not have the proper security in place and a plan for recovering from a cyberattack. Much of cyber security is in the planning.

Developing a detailed, robust and up-to-date cyber security posture cannot be achieved without garnering company-wide support and compliance from your employees and ensuring everyone is working together to protect your computer system and network cyberattacks. However, without an in-house IT security expert, most businesses wouldn't have the knowledge to conduct a thorough cyber risk assessment. Therefore, many small businesses consider outsourcing cyber security services to third-party professionals. But is outsourced cyber security worth the expense? What kinds of services do they supply? Here are some of the steps that a managed security service provider (MSSP) will take to secure and monitor your small business computer system and network:

Unfortunately, expansive cyber security is never a one-and-done scenario. It is essential to establish a comprehensive list of best practices that all employees must follow. To ensure that your policies are complete, it is wise to collaborate with IT security professionals in preparing your company’s policies.

Third-party support from IT security experts also includes:

IT Support for Remote Employees

As we discussed previously, the remote workforce has expanded rapidly since the onset of the pandemic, which has left SMBs charged with the task of managing remote work employees, including their cyber security protection. Whether an employee works from their home office or an airport in Europe, anywhere they log on to your company’s network, your business is at risk. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) must be mandatory for remote security. VPNs create your own virtual private network within your network. VPNs also encrypt your data and hide your IP address, making it very difficult for hackers to get very far. IT support for remote employees also includes help for remote employees having computer problems. As many issues can be diagnosed and corrected remotely by IT and computer repair experts, your employees can travel and get professional repairs wherever they can get an internet connection.

Small Business IT Support

The top-line benefits of using small business IT support security experts for securing your SMB’s computer network are:

Customizable, Flexible and Scalable

Small business IT support is flexible. The level of support you need will depend on the vulnerabilities detected by a professional cyber risk analysis. Cyber security IT companies can customize your support and partner with your business to assist you with all your cybersecurity planning and help you stay in step with your company’s growth. With the help of computer network security companies, an IT expert can keep you secure if your company and cyber security needs expand. Also, if new cyber threats are posed and your security posture needs updating to deal with new threats, cyber professionals can seamlessly adjust to emerging security threats. In cyber protection, there is no such thing as “set and forget.” Adaptability is vital to ongoing security. Many small businesses get so involved in their day-to-day operations that they fall out of touch with what started as a comprehensive security plan. However, with small business IT support monitoring your SMB’s computer system, you can focus on building your business and driving revenue. In addition, professionals can help you update your cybersecurity policies and train your remote and office employees how to incorporate and implement any change, including any adjustments to your business’s cyber incident response plan.


Small businesses do not have the resources for in-house cyber security experts. Even if they have one dedicated IT staff person, that individual would be unable to keep up with a changing cybercrime target landscape and the protections required to protect your hard-earned business data. However, cyber security IT companies offer a very cost-effective solution for small businesses. Reputable security companies will stay up to date with developing threats and can be contracted to monitor your computer system continuously. They can also proactively recommend changes to your SMB’s cyber security posture and implement system-wide adjustments as needed.

If your company neglects its cyber security posture and becomes complacent, it is taking an enormous risk and increasing liability for the protection of personal data, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Businesses are becoming more interconnected than ever. That connectivity means that you are responsible for ensuring that your business partners can trust that you are taking the necessary steps to lock down your computer network. You should expect the same from them. If you are in a high-compliance business, you might be legally bound to present proof of network security to your partners or insurers.

SMBs cannot effectively cover all the cyber security bases on their own. Lack of time, lack of the right tools, and lack of IT security expertise make protecting your business data a roll of the dice. The idea that hackers only target huge companies is entirely false. In reality, SMBs are easier prey and are, therefore, targeted with certain kinds of cyberattacks such as phishing and other social engineering attacks.

Small businesses have enough to worry about operating and growing their organization. Every business has many moving parts. Therefore, it is easy for SMB owners and management to forget about cyber security threats until they are under attack. By then, their private data might already be compromised, and all of their connected employees and business partners might be drawn into the fray—a fray that can bring them all down.

Small Business IT Network Support to the Rescue

Outsourcing your network support to a company with experience in cyber security is a cost-effective way to give you peace of mind. They can monitor your entire system to protect it from viruses, malware, ransomware, and other cyber threats. They can also develop a 360-degree approach that includes firewall protection, network security, anti-virus software, robust cyber security policies, and best practices training that can get all of your employees on the same page.

Deciding to contract IT security experts, armed with up-to-the-minute cyber security solutions for small businesses, can afford your SMB very efficient and cost-effective cyber protection.