Managed IT Services for Small Businesses: You Need Them

Summary: This article discusses how professional managed IT services for small business can help you maintain efficient day-to-day operations and help secure your hard-earned business data from cyberattacks.

Many SMBs are thriving and expanding post-pandemic. However, very few small businesses have the resources to employ full-time IT or cyber security staff. In fact, SMBs often put computer maintenance and cyber security tasks low on their priority and budgetary lists. Unfortunately, cybercrime is at an all-time high, and SMBs are hackers’ favorite and most vulnerable targets for these very reasons. Discover more reasons why SMBs need managed IT services.

Professional IT Support Services Improve Network Security for Small Businesses

Fortunately, excellent IT support services for small businesses can help manage many of your SMB’s IT functions efficiently and cost-effectively. The IT services outsourced by businesses are called managed IT services. The specialists who provide the services are called Managed IT Service Providers or MSPs. In the face of rising cybercrime, over 40% of small businesses use MSPs to supply the most vital support services. Managed IT services for small businesses can include:

Network Security Companies Work Closely With IT Managers

Ideally, MSPs should be knowledgeable about cyber security services because network security is of paramount importance. They should have dedicated cybersecurity experts on staff. It doesn’t matter if your computer system’s hardware and software function at peak performance. Without robust network security, all of your efforts can be for naught. If your network is attacked and you are unprepared, your SMB’s operations could be compromised, leading to financial and reputational losses. In the worst cases, a breached network can lead to ongoing liability or even bankruptcy in over 60% of small business cyberattacks. That is why it is essential to take strategic precautions to make your company less of a target for cybercrimes.

Most SMBs cannot accomplish this goal without help from network security companies. High-compliance companies must often supply proof of network security for cyber insurance policies, contracts and government requirements. Therefore, ongoing cyber security training in security protocols, phishing awareness and security best practices is vitally important to ensure compliance.

Employee Training

Comprehensive employee training and the establishment of detailed cyber security policies are integral parts of a robust managed IT and cyber security plan. Training should be ongoing and updated at regular intervals. Cyber security training must be required as a condition for employment for all new employees. If employees don’t know what to do to protect company data, they can’t be expected to follow policies and procedures. The liability and risk from breached data can be expensive and ongoing. Such liability must be addressed as part of the company’s overall IT management. Network security companies can ensure you have a comprehensive and specific training plan to improve your employees’ security awareness.

Cyber security provided by managed IT services for small businesses should also include:

Protecting your SMB’s data is a multi-layered process. Small business owners do not have the expertise required for robust cyber security and other vital IT support. Also, most cannot afford a full-time IT staff member or department. However, business data is the lifeblood of any company, and managed IT services for small business can be a very cost-effective way to ensure your network is always protected. Network cybersecurity protection costs a very small percentage of the cost of one cyberattack. Companies should do everything within reason to avoid the expense and devastation of a cyberattack.